
Thursday, January 23, 2020

JarusHub Invites you to its Career Club On Telegram

Over the last 5 years, the JarusHub Career Club has been a platform where students of tertiary institutions, fresh graduates, entry level and experienced professionals have shared valuable educational, career, professional and business tips to enhance progress in their different endeavours via our 8 WhatsApp groups.

People have been motivated to achieve academic excellence, people have gotten great jobs, friendships and partnerships have been formed.

Now, it's time to take the community to another level. We have just established our Telegram group and we want to leverage on the larger space to add greater value to our community through:

*Monthly career talks by leading professionals from different sectors of the economy and public institutions.

*Increased posting of job openings.

*Allowing members to add their friends without recourse to Admins.

*Improved information access and sharing.

*A wider pool of knowledge and understanding to benefit from.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the JarusHub Career Club today on Telegram via and share with your friends.


  1. Over the last 5 years, the JarusHub Career Club has been a platform where students of tertiary institutions,khalid Hassan fresh graduates, entry level and experienced professionals have shared valuable educational, career, professional and business tips to enhance progress in their different endeavours via our 8 WhatsApp groups.

  2. Thank you JarusHub Career Club,for give us good professional education.

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  5. Para baixar qualquer vídeo usando o IDM (Internet Download Manager), siga os passos abaixo
    1. Instale e integre o IDM com seu navegador:
    - Certifique-se de que o IDM esteja instalado e integrado ao navegador que você usa (como Chrome, Firefox ou Edge). Se o IDM estiver corretamente instalado, ele mostrará automaticamente um botão de download quando detectar vídeos.
    2. Abra o site com o vídeo que você deseja baixar:
    - Acesse o site de streaming ou vídeo (como YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.).
    3. Aguarde o IDM detectar o vídeo:
    - Quando o vídeo começar a ser reproduzido, o IDM mostrará um botão "Baixar este vídeo" ou algo similar no canto superior do vídeo.
    - Esse botão pode aparecer em diferentes formatos dependendo do site, mas geralmente será visível quando o vídeo estiver sendo carregado.
    4. Clique no botão de download do IDM:
    - Clique no botão "Baixar este vídeo" que aparece no vídeo.
    - Escolha a qualidade/resolução do vídeo (caso esteja disponível).
    5. Inicie o download:
    - O IDM abrirá uma janela para confirmar o download. Escolha onde deseja salvar o arquivo e clique em "Iniciar Download".
    6. Acompanhe o progresso:
    - O vídeo começará a ser baixado e você poderá acompanhar o progresso na janela do IDM.
    Com esses passos, você poderá baixar vídeos diretamente de sites de streaming usando o IDM.
