
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Most Amazing Images from the Failed Coup in Turkey

These images are amazing and like President Recep Tayyip Erdogan or not show he has a lot of support from the people of Turkey.

Man lies down in front of Tank to help stop coup in Turkey

This image is simply amazing!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Imagining a Great Nigeria

Imagine a Nigeria where there is no vandalism of oil and gas infrastructure which means the government can generate more revenue to finance its economic restructuring agenda across the country from the Nigerdelta to the Northeast.

Imagine a Nigeria where the people of the Southsouth constructively engage the government and oil companies on cleaning their environment, embarking on rapid infrastructure and human capacity development of the region.

Imagine a Nigeria where lawyers do not seek to subvert justice by using every trick in and not in the book to prevent corrupt big men from being convicted.

Imagine a Nigeria where there is massive industrialization, economic growth and development, reduced unemployment because the reforms in the power sector are supported by stakeholders with the rights of consumers protected.

Imagine a Nigeria where the health institutions are brought up-to-date in terms of equipment and manpower because the government has no choice than to do so. The economy has improved and the citizens demand the best healthcare because they are better-informed and enlightened to know that qualitative healthcare is a right not a privilege.

Imagine a Nigeria where educational institutions from primary school to university provide the best of education not because those in government are angels but because the economic growth that the country has witnessed means they do not have a choice than to deliver this basic right to the people because they now expect no less.

Imagine a Nigeria where politicians finally realize it is easier to make money legitimately than to steal from the treasury and go to jail.

This is the kind of Nigeria that President Muhammadu Buhari is trying to build but he will not achieve this objective if we Nigerians insist on continuing with our old destructive ways that have led us to the sorry state we now find ourselves.

There are many who think a Buhari failure would be a victory for them, I laugh at their folly. A Buhari failure would only mean their lives will not ultimately get better anytime soon. Some might say they can travel to other countries to live the good life. Well, what about those you would leave behind? Our lives would be richer and better when our brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews all live a comfortable life, not when you and probably your wife and children live a false life of comfort and have to make strangers your extended family in a foreign land.

Let the wise heed good counsel.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Scientists Say Keep a Chicken in Your Home to Prevent Malaria and Zika Virus

Chickens may help prevent Zika and Malaria

Wonders they say shall never end... This probably explains best the new research finding of some Swedish and Ethiopian (I hope they were not high on coffee) scientists who have released research findings that suggest that having a live chicken in your home especially in the same room with you helps to prevent mosquitoes from biting you.

For better results, suspend the chicken cage over your bed!

According to National Post: Scientists from Sweden and Ethiopia found that malaria-carrying mosquitoes avoided homes where a live chicken had been suspended in a cage.

They believe the insects shunned the bug-eating birds because chicken blood is not sufficiently nutritious to justify risking being killed. Crucially, the scientists said, the mosquitoes did not have to see the fowl to be deterred as the smell alone created a repellent “odour bubble”.

Most would not enter a house, let alone a bedroom, that contained a chicken, the study, published in Malaria Journal, found.

Read more about this funny, intriguing and potentially life-saving story here.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Find Out the Essential Things You Should Have in Your Car

A very nice list especially the water and snacks part or what do you think?

Water Fetching Reimagined with the Hippo Water Roller

The Hippo water roller is meant to reduce the stress of getting water from long distances that many people in Africa can relate to.

It was designed by 2 South Africans and has generated some buzz on the Internet with some people hailing it as a innovative solution while others think it shows backward thinking- they ask: why not lay pipes to transport the water to people's homes?

What do you think?

You can get yours from their store by clicking here. They accept Bitcoin too which I think is cool.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nairaland Has Been Taken Over by Petty Anarchists

Nairaland is meant to be Nigeria's largest online forum and as such is expected to be a mirror of the Nigerian society in large part.

Having been a regular participant on the forum for a few years but being largely inactive for the past one year, I find it curious that practically every thread on front page in recent times is taken-over by hateful people that incite division, violence, ethno-religious conflict and in recent times coup plotting.

While the owner of Nairaland nay feign ignorance, I am sure that the relevant authorities will not do the same.

Freedom of expression has limitations within the confines of the law, people should not be allowed to constantly preach hate and encourage violence.

I ceeated a thread to express this same concerns on Nairaland but in line with the forum owner's style of management, it was quickly removed.

Time will tell if my warning is justified or Seun Osewa's laissez-faire attitude to the peace and security of Nigeria is the best for us as a people.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Grow Your Twitter Following with TweetFavy

Are you finding it difficult to build a following on Twitter? If you answered 'yes', I have some good news for you.

Tweetfavy is an automated online growth hacking tool for Twitter that I use to help grow my Twitter following and to be honest it works. It is a service that helps to get you followers in a very simple but effective manner, you select keywords, hashtags and any other target you want and it will automatically favorite tweets that contain them for you when they get tweeted by others. This helps expand your network and consequently followers.

You can start with a 14 day free trial by visiting the website and let me know what your experience with it is like.

Looking forward to reading your comments.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Simplify Your Job Search in Nigeria with Neuvoo

As a blogger I get a lot of offers to promote different things from eye glasses to websites, it is all part of the game. However, sometimes you get a mail or a call about something new and are not impressed by it that much. This is definitely not the case with Neuvoo.

Neuvoo is a job search engine that indexes jobs directly for free from companies' career websites, placement agencies and job boards for free.
Here are some of the features that make this website cool:

  • More than 20,000 jobs available in Nigeria
  • Comfortable and easy search options
  • Available in over 60 countries
  • User-friendly
No need to bore you with long explanations, visit the site and see for yourself. Watch out Jobberman!
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