
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Facebook Introduces Reactions Emoji

Have you ever felt awkward liking bad news on Facebook? You know things that are not really likeable but you feel limited on the kind of emotion you can express with the button? 
Apparently, you are not the only one, even, Facebook's founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg feels the same way and now he and his team have launched reactions which is basically adding emoji with different themes to the like button, read his post about it below:
Today is our worldwide launch of Reactions -- the new Like button with more ways to express yourself.
Not every moment you want to share is happy. Sometimes you want to share something sad or frustrating. Our community has been asking for a dislike button for years, but not because people want to tell friends they don't like their posts. People wanted to express empathy and make it comfortable to share a wider range of emotions.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about the right way to do this with our team. One of my goals was to make it as simple as pressing and holding the Like button.
The result is Reactions, which allow you to express love, laughter, surprise, sadness or anger.
Love is the most popular reaction so far, which feels about right to me!

I think this is a cool new feature that has been over due on Facebook for a long time. 


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