
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why the BlackBerry Priv Could Be a Huge Success

BlackBerry lost the smartphone OS wars but it might be on its way back to the top with its first Android device, Priv. The reason for this assertion is not difficult to understand once you get to know that Priv which stands for 'private' is going to have the following security features:

(via AndroidCentral):
  • BlackBerry’s Hardware Root of Trust, a unique manufacturing process that injects cryptographic keys into the device hardware, providing a secure foundation for the entire platform.
  • Verified Boot and Secure Bootchain, which uses the embedded keys to verify every layer of the device from hardware to OS to applications in order to make sure they haven’t been tampered with.
  • A hardened Linux kernel with numerous patches and configuration changes to improve security.
  • FIPS 140-2 compliant full disk encryption on by default to protect your privacy.
  • The BlackBerry Infrastructure, a secure distributed global network that transmits petabytes of encrypted data to and from the world’s most powerful leaders and professionals.
  • BES12, the leading Enterprise Mobility Management platform used by the world’s most powerful governments and corporations.

It also comes with BlackBerry's signature physical QWERTY  keyboard and the Hub from BB10.

The strategy for BlackBerry is very simple and should be effective- taking advantage of the widespread acceptability of the Android OS while adding the renowned security features that made BlackBerry such a huge hit in its glory days.

The likes of Samsung and HTC had better watch out because BlackBerry is in all likelihood coming back with the proverbial bang!

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