
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Freelancer Acquires Warrior Forum which calls itself  "the World's Largest Outsourcing Marketplace" has acquired the Warrior Forum which is the the largest Internet marketing forum in a move that makes a lot of sense to me because they both have the self-employed or work-from-home, Internet marketing kind of membership. The deal is said to be worth $3.2 million.

The Warrior Forum has been acquired by Freelancer for $3.2 million

In a statement by Matt Barrie, Chief Executive of, Warrior Forum was started by Allen Says in 1997 and now has more than 730,000 members. Changes to the new Warrior Forum under the management of the Freelancer team include:

* All WSO listings will now be reduced from $40 to $20 and

* All War Room members will have their 20 year membership extended to lifetime, immediately. Moving forward new memberships will be $20 per year.

It will be interesting to see how Freelancer builds on the Warrior Forum and how its loyal members will react to the ownership change. 

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