
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

LG Introduces Smart Light Bulb

I think this is really cool...

LG Smart Bulb

LG Electronics, the South-Korean multi-national, has launched a new product called the LG Smart Light Bulb that employs Bluetooth or WiFi in our Android and iOS devices to bring some smart features. The new smart lightbulb can be remotely turned on or off using the device connected to it. In 'party mode', the brightness of the light can be varied depending upon the beat of the music played on your smartphone or tablet and it can be made to flash if you receive a phone call. Another interesting feature is the facility to program the light to act as an alarm clock i.e. the light will gradually get brighter from a pre-determined time in the morning till you want it to. All these features are of great help for people with hearing-problems.

And if that's not a lot, the LG Smart bulb features a security mode that makes it possible to turn the lights on for short periods while the user is away on holiday - This would keep burglars away from your house. Most LED Bulbs are great energy savers and last for a long time. LG's Smart Bulb are no exception to that.

Going further, the company believes that the addition of features such as - replying to a text message, receiving email alerts and notification about the door bell ringing - in the future would mean the deaf people or people with hearing impairments will have a much easier life. The bulb is compatible with Google Android 4.3 and above and Apple iOS 4.0 and 6.0. Currently, the LG Smart Bulb is being sold in South Korea at a price of 35,000 won (approx $33). The details about global launch and availability details are yet unknown.

What are your thoughts on the LG's Smart Bulb and the features it sports? Share with us in comments below.

Source: LG via Crazy Engineers
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