
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Animals that Have Run for or Held Political Office

This stuff is quite hilarious...

Non-Human Holders Of Political Office

Is human status a requirement for holding the reigns of power? Via Wikipedia, a brief look at notable and heroic non-human electoral candidates:
Incitatus, the horse of Caligula, who it is alleged became a consul and a priest.
Boston Curtis, a brown mule, was offered as a candidate for a Republican precinct seat in Milton, Washington in 1938, winning 52 to zero.
Pigasus the Immortal, a boar hog that the Yippies nominated as a candidate in the U.S. presidential election, 1968.
The mayor of Sunol, California was, for ten years (1981–1990), a black Labrador-Rottweiler named Bosco.
Tião, a bad-tempered chimpanzee, was put forward by the fictional Brazilian Banana Party (Partido Bananista Brasileiro, actually the satirical group Casseta & Planeta) as a candidate for the Rio de Janeiro mayoralty in 1988. It’s estimated that Tião received over 400,000 votes, coming third.
Several animals in the US have been elected mayors of small towns such as Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, whose mayor is a black lab named Junior Cochran, and Lajitas, Texas, whose mayor is a beer-drinking goat named Clay Henry III. Both Rabbit Hash and Lajitas are unincorporated towns where the mayoralty is purely a ceremonial position.
Source: Disinfo
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