
Friday, June 29, 2012

His friend wanted him killed and buried with his late father

For some reason, I did not go to work early this morning and I ended-up listening to Cool fm 96.9 and heard the most amazing story and now I share with you my people. The story is from someone who called-in on the Good Morning Nigeria Show.

Kunle (not real name) followed "his best friend" to the village for the burial of his late father from Lagos. Everything went well and they got to the village safely and Kunle was well-received by his friend's people. Kunle decided to go and buy recharge card for his phone on this day (Friday) and after buying the recharge card from the sales girl, the girl asked him for his phone number. Although, Kunle thought it strange that she should ask for his phone number, he obliged her. At around 10pm that night, kunle received a phone call from the recharge card vendor. She told Kunle that his friend had brought him along to the village to be killed and buried with his friend's late father as a companion. She also told him not to make any attempt to escape immediately as he would be caught because he had been under surveillance from the moment he got into that village. She told him to make a run for it early on Saturday morning as that would be the best time because nobody would be expecting him to run anymore.

Kunle did not wait much and bolted in the bush after midnight on Saturday morning. The villagers discovered and did chase him into the bush. Kunle, decided that climbing a tree would be his best bet. The native doctors from the village did reach the tree on which Kunle hid stating that there was someone present in the area. However, none of the chasing party thought of looking up into the trees and thankfully for Kunle, his phone did not ring otherwise that would have been it for him.

The villagers eventually left the scene where Kunle was hiding and he managed to escape to the express way from where he managed to get transported to Lagos.

Kunle called "his friend" when he got to Lagos. He asked him if he felt what he did was a good thing. The friend told Kunle that he would not understand and that he should not tell anybody. Three weeks after this incident Kunle's friend has not returned to Lagos.

Kunle had to tell this to someone and he called Cool fm this morning. Mannie, Valerie and a third OAP (don't know her name) at Cool fm asked him for the name of the village and the state where this happened, Kunle was hesitant and refused, choosing to only say the region of Nigeria it happened (I will not mention that, so as not to lose the essence of this story) because he was obviously scared- he said he had given all the information he felt he could afford to give at that point and cut the phone.

Now, if you were in Kunle's shoes what would you do?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

David Beckham Left Out of GB Olympic Football Team

This is breaking news about Team GB's dropping of David Beckham from its team. Read the Guardian's report.

David Beckham left out of London 2012 Olympic football squad

• LA Galaxy midfielder will not feature in Team GB side
• Shock decision would mean Micah Richards is included

The former England captain David Beckham has been left out of the Team GB Olympic football squad.
The team's coach, Stuart Pearce, was expected to select Beckham as one of his over-age players, alongside Craig Bellamy and Ryan Giggs. However, it is understood he has chosen Manchester City's Micah Richards instead.

The decision will come as a shock to the British Olympic Association and the London Organising Committee.

The LA Galaxy player had hoped to appear in the Great Britain side at Wembley and Old Trafford, his former home ground, and had been watched by Pearce in America last week.
Beckham is still expected to attend the Olympics and may have a role at the Opening Ceremony.

Source: The Guardian

Heavy Rain Induces Flooding in Lagos and Ogun State

The heavy rain that started since yesterday has left many parts of Lagos and Ogun State Heavily Flooded.

We need to constantly clear our drainage channels and hope that we will be able to cope with heavy rains expected this year.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Talk About an Exotic Car- See this!

 Rock and roll all night in a Gene Simmons VW Bug for $10,000
By Mike Wehner, Tecca

T-shirts, bumper stickers, and even tattoos are just a few of the common ways music lovers show support for their favorite artists, but there are levels of music fandom that are truly difficult to understand. Take, for example, this 1970 Volkswagen Beetle that has been completely revamped with KISS flair. And no, this isn't just a fresh paint job or clever custom license plate — this VW has undergone some rather stunning aesthetic alterations to make it look just like KISS bassist Gene Simmons.

A Craigslist seller has listed the unorthodox ride for a somewhat lofty $10,000, but that price tag gets you a real head-turner of a vehicle. The coupe features the face, hair, and trademark tongue of the aging rocker, and is currently undergoing restoration to ensure any prospective buyers can party every day without worry.
Yes, driving this through your local Starbucks will probably get you plenty of laughs and slack-jawed stares, but taking this beauty to a retro rock concert will almost certainly make you an instant celebrity. The car is currently located in Denver, Colorado, but its one-of-a-kind nature will likely garner some attention from all corners of the United States.

Source: Yahoo

This car design is just crazy!

President Jonathan Sacks Defence Minister and National ...

Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog: Pres Jonathan Sacks Defence Minister and National ...: President Goodluck Jonathan this evening fired both the National Security Adviser, Andrew Oweiye Azazi and Defence Minister, Bello Haliru, ...

I wonder if this will improve security in Nigeria.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Making Money from Your Hobby

By Chris Daniello
In today’s world more and more people are realizing that they cannot achieve financial freedom by working full time for another person. Hence, there is a need for them to start their own business. Knowing is one thing, doing is another. Many people know that starting a business is good for them but very few actually take steps to start one.

Most people are discouraged by the challenges that are involved in starting a business. Hence, they shy away from it. However, this needn’t be the case because everyone has a hobby or interest that can actually fetch them money and that they can easily turn into money.

For example, you love football very much and you have arguments with your friends over your favourite teams and players. You could use that passion for the game as a platform for earning additional income by blogging about it or becoming a TV/Radio Analyst.

You could even establish a youth football club, coach and encourage the kids, manage them properly and by entering into competitions, you could earn prize money, get sponsorship for your club or even earn revenue when scouts from big teams that make good offers for your young talents. You could even become a FIFA licensed agent by dedicating time and effort to football which you love so much.

The same logic applies to any other hobby you can think of, all you need to do is to use it as an instrument to add value to the society and you can be sure to make money from it. The opportunities are almost endless; you just need to look within yourself to find them.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Having a cheerful disposition at work

Have a big smile at work!
Many people go to work without a smile, they have a lot reasons to give for this, ‘my boss is such a grouch’ he treats me like dirt.’ Here is another one, ‘I work so hard and earn so little.’ These sorts of problems are common in the work place, but the question is: does frowning and being grumpy solve the problem or help your situation? The answer is no.

So if being angry does not solve the problem, why persist with this negative attitude towards life. Crack jokes about your little pay, and if this does not do much, it will at least reduce your blood pressure. Another thing to note is that your boss is there to ensure that you and the entire organization achieve results.

If you smile and have a positive attitude, your productivity will increase and if your productivity increases, your employer is likely to give you a promotion and if you get a promotion, your pay cheque will bear a larger figure and that will ensure that you have a bigger smile. All of that started with a simple smile, so you see the importance of being cheerful even if conditions aren’t as close to ideal as you would want (I have never met a person who believes that his job is perfect and cannot get better). So you see that, being cheerful at work does not make you silly neither does it make you less of a realist, it just means that you have chosen to see the glass of life as half-full rather than half-empty.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Invitation for Construction Industry Exhibition 2012

The official invitation of the Construction Industry Exhibition 2012. The event is organised by the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI). Visit to get more details about this event.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dana Air Staff Alleges that Management Knew that Plane Was Faulty

Watch this video of the interview an alleged member of Dana Air had with Channels TV making some startling allegations about what the management of the airline did with the ill-fated plane.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ediong: Crashed Dana Airlines aircraft black box retrieved...

Ediong: Crashed Dana Airlines aircraft black box retrieved...

Really sad stuff!

You really need to watch this!

Yup! A promotional video I created for the Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) Exhibition 2012. If you would like to have one too, give me a call on +2348085404500.

If you are interested in the FOCI Construction Industry Exhibition, kindly visit and like the page to keep in touch or you can visit to register. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Breaking News: Plane crash in Iju, Lagos with no survivors

Part of the Dana Air Plane that Crashed in Iju, Lagos
Breaking News: An Abuja to Lagos flight has crashed in the Iju area of Lagos. The Dana Airplane is reported to have had 153 passengers on board and none of them has survived. Africa Independent Television (AIT) reports Harold Demuren, Director General of Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) as saying there are no survivors. Emergency teams and members of the public are already on the scene as unconfirmed reports state that at least 2 houses are on fire as a result of the crash.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Federation Of Construction Industry (FOCI) Set To Hold Its 2012 Exhibition

Brief History
In colonial days, major works on the construction and maintenance of Nigeria infrastructure were handled by foreign firms. With the approach of independence, the promoters of these firms were apparently apprehensive that a cordial relationship with foreign interests may not be taken for granted, given the militancy of the likely successors to power. In order to present a united front, seven of these foreign firms founded the Federation of Building and Civil Engineering Constractors in Nigeria (FOCI) in 1954. The seven foreign firms are Costain (W.A) Ltd, Cappa D'Alberto Ltd, Borini Prono & Company Ltd, G. Cappa Nigeria Ltd, Richard Costain Ltd, Poletti Brother Nigeria Ltd, and Taylor Woodrow (West Africa) Ltd. Subsequent developments after independence, in particular the indigenisation laws, accelerated the emergence of local participants in the construction industry. Today the organisation is a mixture of indigenous, indigenised and foreign enterprises. The name of the group has since been changed to the Federation of Construction Industry - (FOCI).

Now, this illustrious institution is set to hold its 56th Annual General Meeting(AGM)and Construction Industry Exhibition 2012 at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel, Abuja from the 26th-28th of June 2012.

Interested in Exhibiting or Participating?
Visit the Facebook page for the exhibition or visit the website to learn more and register.

Designing Facebook Pages Can be Fun

Yup! I am a Facebook fan page designer too, and I particularly like this new one I created yesterday. Kindly have  a look and like the page by clicking here.
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