
Monday, April 2, 2012

Do not take your customers for granted

Keeping customers happy is essential to the survival and growth of any businesss
Many businesses put in a lot of time, money and resources to win customers and when they do, they take them for granted. I suppose it is part of human nature, familiarity breeds contempt they say. 

There are many dangers inherent in this attitude because your company may get away with bad customer service for some time, but you cannot continue with it for a long time before a rival with better customer service wins them over.

Bad news travels fast, and people will tell more people about your bad customer service than they will talk about your good customer service. The implication is that it could take you up to a decade to build a loyal customer base with good service but it could take less than a year to lose them with bad customer service.

It is imperative for senior management to emphasize the philosophy of customer service to front-end staff as well as ensure that the company’s products retain a high level of quality.

The competition never sleeps and a company which is the leader in its market would be making a great mistake if it thinks that it cannot loose its market share because its competition is not strong enough. All it takes is one major mistake for customer to drop its products and seek out alternatives.

Also, it is important that a company opens up channels of communication with its customers through customer service desks as well as customer forums and meetings, this will help the company to receive feedback from its customers about the quality of its products and service be it positive or negative.

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