I really should have posted this much earlier but I wanted to do an elaborate write-up on it. However, I realise that I may not be able to do that quickly enough so I am copying from Nairaland.
Please Help Nairalander Perx
As many of you would recall, a thread was started late last year on a man called Mr Monday Obuh and his family who were reported by PM news to be living under the bridge at Cele Bus Stop, Lagos, due to their inability to afford personal accommodation.
Touched by this report, we all swung into action, verified the case, sent delegates to see the man and his family, then offered them assistance.
To God be the glory, the Obuhs now live in an apartment Nairalanders contributed to rent for them and are proud owners of a small business today. Full information is available on this thread: (http://www.nairaland.com/nigeria/topic-801338.1344.html). The story was also published by ThisDay newspaper and several online blogs.
We want to use this opportunity to thank you all, especially those who supported us in cash and kind. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless you and yours.
Shortly after the Obuh project was Xmas and New year break and we resumed this year 2012 with subsidy issues.
In the midst of all that, we received reports of a Nairalander, Perx, (http://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?action=profile;u=533103) who has been battling a rare medical condition known as CRPS/RSD, affecting her legs and leaving her in severe cramps, pains and unable to walk unassisted.
She has been battling this condition since 2008 and all attempts to treat it locally led to her being referred abroad.
Having tried to contact foreign NGOs on her own for sponsorship to no avail and coupled with constant medical bills, she was at the point of suicide when she contacted Nairalanders for help (http://www.nairaland.com/nigeria?topic=826801.msg9796234#msg9796234R)
The E-Helpers Network (TeHN) heard her story, spoke with her on phone during the subsidy period to keep her calm and immediately after, scheduled a visit to confirm her story and get copies of her x-rays and other medical reports.
Having verified her story as true, we plan to help her as follows:
1. Keep her comfortable with medication (drug supply) and Internet Access for a few months while she continues to seek for foreign NGOs willing to sponsor her.
2) Receive moral support for her from Nairalanders in the form of information, medical advise and referrals (and possible donation of a laptop/netbook, customised wheelchair, etc).
To this end, we once again seek your assistance towards helping one of our own this time around.
Our prayer is that as you do so, God will also reward you.
Thank you and God bless,
PS: Report from Ify's journey to Edo State yesterday 24/01/2012 . . . . . .
I got to Benin City by 1pm today with Aero. Chelseabmw came to meet and pick me from the airport.
We got to Perx's place around 2pm and were ushered in by her kid brother, and then the journey into the history of her illness began.
She has been disabled and on bed for 4 years plus now, depending on others for little things such as shifting or sitting up.
She made available for us, copies of her x-rays, doctors' reports (1 from Dr Moin of UBTH and another from R.J Schwartzman of Drexel University College of Medicine, USA).
Her diagnosis according to the doctors report I have is "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome" (CRPS) and "spams in the left lower limb ascending from foot to thigh".
There was also a previous brief history of road accident.
She also made available for us, some reciepts of her drug purchases over time.
Both doctors' reports testify that she has been "referred abroad" for treatment and better results.
We came back with copies of both doctors' reports and copies of her x-rays.
We saw her walking aids (eg wheelchair, etc).
We had a good time with her, took a few pictures (we couldn't get her to sit up) and left her around 5pm but not without presenting her with a "small envelope" from the house.
If you are interested in donating money for this cause and future TeHN projects, kindly indicate interest so the coordinators can PM you acct details OR mail: [email protected] if you cannot post here.
The E-Helpers Network (TeHN)
Now, I acknowledge that you may not be able to send a private Nairaland message from here but you can send an e-mail to [email protected] . I can also be reached by mail: [email protected]
This is genuine and any help you can render will be greatly appreciated!
I have to edit this because unfortunately my dear friend Perx passed on, I will retain this post as a dedication to her. Perx we love you but God knows best and we accept his will. Farewell my friend, I hope you are in a better place where no pain and suffering can reach you. You fought a good fight and I am honoured to have had you as a friend.
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