If you have been reading this blog previously, you should know by now that I am a great fan of Nairaland.com and because of this I spend a good part of my time online on the website. Find below my interview with one of the forum's popular members called Toba. He provides an insight into his attraction to Muslim girls and more...
Me: Can you introduce yourself to us?
Toba: My name is Toba as called by friends and family. A young, dedicated and enterprising Nigerian, who loves to strive for the best in all things I do or get myself involved in.
Me: Please give us a brief insight into your background?
Toba: I was born in Lagos Nigeria, in the late 70s/80s to a Christian family. I attended primary school in Lagos and Ibadan, whilst secondary school was in Lagos. A very strong Christian right from childhood and had been in the church choir from a very tender age.
Me: We both met on Nairaland.com and you once told me there that you attended mosques and even fasted in the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan for some time. How did that happen?
Toba: Yes, you are very correct, sometime between 1994 and 1996, I was with an aunt married to a Muslim and the very close neighbour we had in the opposite flat was a Muslims with an extended family. I and my sibling were very close to this family, we spent time together often and then they would tell us things about Islam. Honestly, this family are a good example of tolerance in Islam with the way we were received and loved. My aunt’s husband who is also a Muslim did tell us about Islam. Hence, we chose to be part of it, whilst still attending our regular church services. We got orientated a bit about Islam, I was taught how to recite fatia (Suratul Fatiha), performing ablution, I used to wake up early during Ramadan and also got to mosque in the evening sometimes to pray.
Me: That is very interesting; can you tell us about your academic life and the job you do currently?
Toba: Yeah! After my secondary school,I wrote JAMB(UME/PCE). After a couple of years, I got admission to study Industrial Relations and Personnel Management as well as Estate Management, both courses of which I had little idea of some 10 t0 13 years ago. I thought of being an accountant, but either my JAMB cut-off mark or something else prevented me from having my way. I eventually picked Estate Management hoping to cross over to accounting after my first year provided I had at least a 2.2 Graded Points Average (GPA). After my first year, I fell in love with Estate Management and then decided to see it through. After my graduation, I prayed and hoped to serve within southwestern state in Nigeria. I got my NYSC call-up letter that year in February and in March I met someone who is an official at NYSC.
The person confirmed to me that our NYSC posting was already done and I should accept my fate as regards wherever I was posted to. I got my Posting Letter in April that year and behold, i was posted to YOBE State. I felt bad to be candid but took up courage. After the three weeks orientation, I found myself back in Lagos. I told the NYSC official I had a place to serve in mind. I was allowed to. I served there (as in here). After my service, my boss said he wouldn’t allow me to go that I have to work here on permanent basis. We agreed terms. Behold, here I am now doing well in Real Estate practice in Nigeria in one of the best firms in country.
Me: Are you married?
Toba: No
Me: Why not?
Toba: Seriously, sometimes I ask myself the same question. To be candid, maybe I haven’t found the person I feel I like/love. The person that has the wife characteristics in her.
Me: What characteristics are you looking for?
Toba: If I should list them all, it may take the whole space. Let me just summarise them as God-fearing, respectful, well-mannered and cultured, intelligent, educated, fluent in English, kindhearted, friendly, reserved, gentle, someone that would be satisfied with what she has, non-promiscuous and must also be pretty.
Me: You have created some sensation with your interest in Muslim girls on Nairaland.com, why is that so?
Toba: Its true, I have been on Nairaland for quite a while since 2006 and I have studied people’s characters online. I wouldn’t want to talk too much but I think the Muslim ladies on Nairaland are more cultured and reserved. Well it’s online character and maybe different from what’s obtainable in reality though. For now, I think the Muslims are cool
Me: Are there any that have really caught your fancy over time?
Toba: Do you mean on Nairaland?
Me: Yes
Toba: Of course, more than three. There is even one I like so much amongst them. She has really impressed me with everything pertaining to her character online. I wouldn’t even mind giving up anything for her.
Me: What is her Nairaland user name?
Toba: Am I protected if I mention it here?
Me: Do you mean you don't want it published?
Toba: Not really, I am just concerned about how others would feel hearing me picking one ahead of them (lol).
Me: Fair enough, I will not publish if you say I shouldn't
Me: Is it safe to say that you don't mind marrying a practising Muslim?
Toba: Yes, provided we agree on mutual terms
Me: What would be your terms under such an arrangement?
Toba: Mutual respect for each other’s belief
Me: What about the faith that your children would have?
Toba: That’s a JAMB question. Is it right for me to say, they (children) would decide when they grow up?
Me: Don't you think Christian girls may feel you are not serious about your religion?
Toba: Well I don’t care whatever anyone says. I have read my bible from Genesis to revelation more than 3 times and I know what God demands from me in order to make heaven. Once I do that, I wouldn’t be bothered by side talks.
Me: Do you think your family would welcome a Muslim wife for you?
Toba: It’s going to be 50/50, but if she is able to convince them especially my mum with good character, I guess she is going to have their support 100%. The fear of every family is how to get their ward a good companion that both would last till death.
Me: Do you think your type of thinking should be more of the norm in Nigeria or should differences in religion be considered above other things so that one can avoid conflict in the future?
Toba: I still think we are entitled to our respective opinions BUT those of that claim to be theists should be tolerant with each other and learn to inter-marry. Come to think of it, is God wrong to have created us separately in the same world? If the answer is No, then we should live as one and unite in all things if possible.
Me: Is there any other thing you would like to tell our readers?
Toba: I am a Christian and a strong believer in God, holiness and mutual respect. We should put God first in all things, learn to love and tolerate each other and we should always do things as if we would die tomorrow and then face God to give account of all our actions in thoughts and in words
Me: Thank you for talking to me. It has been a great pleasure and you have been a great sport.
"I have read my bible from Genesis to revelation more than 3 times and I know what God demands from me in order to make heaven. Once I do that, I wouldn’t be bothered by side talks."
ReplyDeleteThis statement, often used, is a bit difficult for me to comprehend. You would marry a person while sincerely believing that at the end of it all that person is going to hell!!! Is it true love at all?Think about it.
Interesting point.